Write to Yourself

This year has been really rewarding for me, but also tremendously tough. I have definitely gone through my share of struggles and difficulties, but one thing that has helped keep me positive and sane (apart from exercise and good friends) is writing. Rarely, a particular problem will concern me so much that I cannot think properly or get over it, and the issue consumes my mind. When this occurs and I have no one to talk to at the time, I feel as if I may implode. At times like these, I write down my thoughts in the computer and talk my way through what is happening, in the same way I would had I been speaking to a therapist or friend. It is amazing effective writing has been to solving personal problems. Additionally, one thing I've done this year is write letters to myself. On Valentine's day I wrote myself an encouraging love letter of sorts (despite having a significant other), and a birthday letter when I turned another year older in March. Looking back and re reading w...